30 things you can do this weekend without spending money

Save money while having fun! We’ve made a list of some activities that you can do that don’t strain your wallet.

It is often more tempting to spend money at the weekend, but you can still have a great time without breaking the bank. Here are 30 things you can do this weekend:


  1. Play board games with friends
  2. Go for a walk
  3. Learn to meditate
  4. Sell things you don't use
  5. Read a book
  6. Try a new recipe
  7. Create a budget
  8. Rearrange furniture at home
  9. Do voluntary work
  10. Organise your kitchen cupboards
  11. Go to a free museum
  12. Have a box-set marathon
  13. Go for a jog
  14. Plan meals for the week
  15. Go through old photos
  16. Set up a savings plan
  17. Learn something new on YouTube
  18. Plan Christmas presents
  19. Go on a fishing trip
  20. Try yoga
  21. Call a friend you haven't spoken to in a while
  22. Wash the car
  23. Invite friends to a dinner party where everyone brings their own dish
  24. Try a free class at the gym
  25. Go on an outdoor adventure: climb a mountain or go wild swimming
  26. Re-purpose old clothes
  27. Look for free local events and festivals in your local paper
  28. Have a BBQ or cook outside
  29. Play soccer with friends
  30. Make a cookbook